Maggie's Art

I'll try to post new stuff as I finish.


William.JPG (375953 bytes)

                                         My friend, Mary, and her two-year-old, William.  I gave him the hat for his birthday.


Butterfly.JPG (49493 bytes)

My first attempt at Batik.  It's done on muslin using bee's wax and fabric dye.


Mums.JPG (268720 bytes)

Mums in watercolor.


Latest Pottery

 GreenJar.jpg (18226 bytes)HalfHalf.jpg (17310 bytes)Pansies.jpg (17978 bytes)


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Sunflowers.jpg (14737 bytes)Tux.jpg (15688 bytes)WildRoseVase.jpg (11982 bytes)


Tulips.jpg (18252 bytes)BlueClematisCup 72.jpg (7486 bytes)Hawaii1 60.jpg (13473 bytes)


Poppies1 59.jpg (14991 bytes)SinglePoppy 78.jpg (8285 bytes)Fountain.jpg (16966 bytes)


ThreeLeaves.jpg (33662 bytes)


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